Friday, 22 June 2018

Management is trying to delay the notification of CPSU Hierarchy promotion and delay all the promotions to more than 25,000 Executives. The BSNL Board approved the proposal with effect from 28.05.2018.
GS, President, AGS and Jt Sec met CMD and held discussion regarding notification of CPSU Hierarchy proposal. CMD opined that it can be notified after the completion of ongoing promotions. We are shocked to hear this from our beloved CMD. According to our information some DPCs may take few months and if all the DPCs are to be held it will take years together. By the prospective date of approval by the Board, all the Executives already lost 1 ½ years.  Any delay in notification will delay the subsequent promotions also. Hardly 20% to 30% of the Executives eligible for promotion as per the new promotion policy only will be covered by the present DPC. Delaying the promotion for another 6 months, for the vast majority of the Executives, more than 70%, is not justified. Telecom Engg side is worstly affected and it will continue to suffer, we told. Even on SDE to DE promotion we suggested to give the promotion without DPC for all the SDEs in list 5,6,7 & 8 who are in E4 or E5 scale by 28th (just like CPSU promotion) as the seniority list is under dispute and giving promotion through either seniority route for limited vacancies may end up in another litigation. That litigation will continue even after implementation of CPSU Hierarchy and the very purpose of CPSU Hierarchy implementation will be defeated. CMD was non committal on our proposal but asked us to discuss with DIR(HR). Finally CMD agreed to some extent to our demand and told that he will direct to complete all DPCs before 30th and notify CPSU Hierarchy before 1st July. 
Earlier in the meeting with GM(Pers) on CPSU Hierarchy notification and progress in the SDE to DE DPC, he indicated that he requires minimum 2 months to complete the DPC work and tentative schedule is middle of August. It is communicated to Dir(HR) and CMD in the evening.  From this we can understand the level of preparation for the DPC at BSNLCO. However we are trying our level best to get some tangible results.
We have to be very very vigilant for the next few days and be ready to go to any extent. All the negative elements will play all dirty politics to derail the notification of CPSU Hierarchy as almost all their members got promotion earlier and we have to be united like a rock.
This will be the lifeline for the career growth of Executives. This will be the unique opportunity to have uniform promotion policy and parity in promotions across all streams.

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